On the 14th of March 2013 BJJ Chelmsford members Peter Squire and Tim Baker took a trip to a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminar being held at Dartford BJJ club with Mauricio Gomes Black Belt Marc Walder.
The mat was packed with a mixture of belts from brand new white belts to experienced purple belts from as far away as Wales.
The seminar started with Marc breaking down a strong standing guard pass. This began with focusing on the safest and mechanically strongest way to stand up. The level of detail was excellent; breaking down all the reasons for each progression of the pass and the reaction of the person being passed.
As the seminar progressed, more focus was placed upon the open guard and sitting guard and how to pass these guards effectively.
Marc’s teaching style was clear and progressive making it clear for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, making plenty of time everyone on a packed mat.
Thanks to Dartford BJJ for their hospitality, making Peter and Tim feel very welcome, and to Marc for the knowledge.
For more information on BJJ in Chelmsford, please contact academy reception on 01245-467680 or here via email